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Lab topology

For this lab to work it is expected that the user has the following knowledge base.

  • Some history with Arista EOS
  • Some history with Linux
  • Some history with networking as a general topic.
  • Some docker knowledge.

Technical requirements.

  • Docker (This was tested on Docker CE 19.03.13)
  • Arista cEOS lab. (4.23.2F) Please sign up for a arista login and use the software downloads page and instructions on how to import a cEOS lab docker image.
  • Docker-topo Docker-topo allows a user to quickly spin up a cEOS lab environment that connects the docker networks together for the user in portable fashion allowing the user to add custom docker containers and networks that they chose.
  • Make sure that the config directory which stores the device configs is rw from the host to the ceos lab node. I was brave and did a chomod -R 777 /config I am sure you do not have to open up the permissions to that level. However, if you do not you will receive issues that the startup-config cannot be modified from cEOS.
  • If you are a mac user and use docker for mac you will need to share this directory to allow the host to mount to the container.

The base_lab.yml contains the general ground work for docker-topo. Which can be found within the root of the repo.

Starting the lab.