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basic bgp

BGP topology

In this example we will render a configuration that will render configurations for all devices to create a full BGP configuration using the saltstack state execution module called state.sls.

Make sure that all proxy minions are running.

root@a00c23e5231c:/srv/salt# salt '*'

Everything to make the state work is located within the /srv/salt/states directory. Since the file roots use that as a directory salt is able to serve those files to the minions.

Salt state basic_bgp_render.sls

{% set hostname = grains.get('host') %}
render the output:
    - name: /srv/salt/templates/intended/configs/{{ hostname }}.cfg
    - source: /srv/salt/templates/basic_bgp.j2
    - template: jinja

Taking a look at this the state this will take a device like base_lab_leaf1 and use the jinja template which is located within /srv/salt/templates/basic_bgp.j2 and will render this using Jinja and save the output within /srv/salt/templates/intended/configs/base_lab_Leaf1.cfg.

Just a small snippet of the jinja2 template.

{% set hostname = grains.get('host') -%}
{% set template_location = '/srv/salt/templates/intended/structured_configs/' + hostname + '.yaml' -%}
{% import_yaml template_location as device_info -%}
{% if device_info['leaf_allowed_vlans'] is defined and device_info['leaf_allowed_vlans'] is not none -%}
{% for vlan in device_info['leaf_allowed_vlans'] -%}
vlan {{ vlan }}

Checking to see if the template will render.

root@a00c23e5231c:/srv/salt# salt 'base_lab_Leaf1' slsutil.renderer /srv/salt/templates/basic_bgp.j2 'jinja'
vlan 130 
vlan 131 
vlan 140 
hostname base_lab_Leaf1

To explain how this works this salt command will taget base_lab_Leaf1 and use the slsutil module and rendere function just to make sure that this rendering will actually work.

Now that we know this will render correctly lets render all files.

Rendering configuration

rendering the basic_bgp_render.sls state

root@a00c23e5231c:/srv/salt# salt '*' state.sls basic_bgp_render 
          ID: render the output
    Function: file.managed
        Name: /srv/salt/templates/intended/configs/base_lab_Spine1.cfg
      Result: True
     Comment: File /srv/salt/templates/intended/configs/base_lab_Spine1.cfg is in the correct state
     Started: 15:20:53.617619
    Duration: 425.391 ms

The config is currently located within the /srv/salt/templates/intended/configs/base_lab_Spine1.cfg ready to be pushed out to all the devices a long with spine2,leaf1 and leaf2.

root@a00c23e5231c:/srv/salt# ls -l templates/intended/configs/
total 32
-rwxr-xr-x 1 saltdev saltdev 7792 Nov 10 12:06 base_lab_Leaf1.cfg
-rwxr-xr-x 1 saltdev saltdev 7798 Nov 10 12:06 base_lab_Leaf2.cfg
-rwxr-xr-x 1 saltdev saltdev 2104 Nov 10 12:06 base_lab_Spine1.cfg
-rwxr-xr-x 1 saltdev saltdev 2104 Nov 10 12:06 base_lab_Spine2.cfg

Using the pyeapi salt module to push config

We will use the pyeapi salt state module to push each of the configs to the devices.

Example of /srv/salt/states/push_config.sls

{% set hostname = grains.get('host') %}
    - config_file: /srv/salt/templates/intended/configs/{{hostname}}.cfg

This is rather simple. This state will simply push out the configuration for each device based off of its own hostname.

root@a00c23e5231c:/srv/salt# salt '*' state.sls push_config
          ID: pyeapi.config
      Result: True
     Comment: Module function pyeapi.config executed
     Started: 15:28:36.625957
    Duration: 2562.588 ms
                  @@ -1,23 +1,26 @@
                  +transceiver qsfp default-mode 4x10G
                   service routing protocols model multi-agent
                   logging host 514
                  -hostname spine2
                  +hostname base_lab_Spine2

Truncated most of the push for length of each device.

SSH or exec into either devices.

base_lab_Leaf2#show ip bgp summary 
BGP summary information for VRF default
Router identifier, local AS number 65102
Neighbor Status Codes: m - Under maintenance
  Neighbor         V  AS           MsgRcvd   MsgSent  InQ OutQ  Up/Down State   PfxRcd PfxAcc         4  65000              7         7    0    0 00:01:32 Estab   4      4         4  65000              7         7    0    0 00:01:32 Estab   4      4